Code of Conduct

MDLBEAST is dedicated to creating a safe, entertainment space, where guests’ behaviour is respectful and allows everyone to fully participate in the MDLBEAST experience.  Our efforts are particularly focused on ensuring that every person can enjoy the event without fear of harassment or unwanted approach or contact.


will be enforced across all MDLBEAST events, and will apply to all participants. 

MDLBEAST is committed to preventing behavior that:

  • makes another person uncomfortable

  • is abusive or offensive

  • is illegal

MDLBEAST has a zero-tolerance policy on written, verbal or physical harassment or threats, unwanted touching, sexual suggestions, the use of derogatory or discriminatory language, gestures or actions intended to threaten or are sexually suggestive and any form of racism, sexism or discrimination which may violate laws or cause personal offense to another.

These actions are prohibited before or after the event in our online and offline spaces and at the event itself

VIOLATION of this Code of Conduct may result in the immediate removal from the event site without a refund and the appropriate authorities will be alerted. MDLBEAST reserves the right to ban violators from all future events.

MDLBEAST is committed to elevating the guest experience in every way and will be implementing multiple layers of improvements across the event experience to help eradicate unwanted behaviors and improve the customer journey.

MDLBEAST is supporting a new anti-harassment campaign called RESPECT, aimed at education, prevention, and support resources. A team of internationally renowned subject matter experts has begun coordinating with local resources to implement wide-reaching anti-harassment initiatives, dedicated to creating a safer, more respectful music and entertainment experience for every attendee.


WE ARE COMMITTED to providing a positive, harassment-free experience for all people in the MDLBEAST community – participants and staff – regardless of gender, ability, physical appearance, race, customs, age or religion. We do not tolerate harassment in any form. 

THE ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY is for the public, as well as artists, advertisers, sponsors, partners, vendors, and all event-related activities sponsored or organized by MDLBEAST.

ANYONE VIOLATING this policy may be immediately removed from the festival site without a refund, and authorities will be alerted. We reserve the right to ban the offender from all our future events.

PLEASE CONTACT  if you feel you have witnessed, or been a target of inappropriate behavior as it relates to this Code of Conduct. MDLBEAST staff will work to support you and assess the violation as quickly as possible.

If you encounter harassment not related to Soundstorm, or any other MDLBEAST event, REPORT IT! You can contact the appropriate authorities via:

  • Social protection call center: 1919

  • Through the app: Kulluna Amn

  • Harassment Hotline: 999911 996

  • Human Rights Commission: 0114185100


Visit the RESPECT page to learn more about the program and how you can get involved in the movement to stop harassment!

Last updated 27/02/2024 04:38 PM

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