
Music Industry

The Pillars That Hold Us Up

By XP Team

September 03 2022

Music Industry

The Pillars That Hold Us Up

By XP Team

September 03 2022

We're on a mission to accelerate the growth of our music industry – an equitable and sustainable market for music lovers, artists, event professionals and everyone in between. This, admittedly, is no simple task.. To ensure that no stone is unturned, we broke down the essential components of what makes music culture into pillars – which guide our every decision, from the workshops we host, to the content we turn out.

The music industry is ever evolving, so this year we introduced a new pillar –  Innovation – to parallel the pace of growth. The Innovation pillar is anchored in disruptive forward thinking. With it, we tap into all the latest developments in the creative tech space, and showcase the transformation of the music industry. We're exploring NFTs, Web3 and the metaverse through the eyes of the pioneers in the field. 

Our Talent pillar is the core of what we do – focusing on the people that make our industry possible. We enable upcoming artists, producers, label owners, future venue owners and promoters, to turn their passion into self-sustaining businesses. We want to ensure that music is accepted as a viable career path in the region. 

There wouldn’t be a music industry without the music community, which is why our Scene pillar is focused on growing our audiences organically to create a robust music economy. We explore the importance of community-driven spaces – from underground house parties in secret locations to international standard concerts.   

At last, our work would be in vain if we did not see "change in action". That's why our Impact pillar is the driving force behind all that we do. This pillar focuses on empowering and enabling our scene through the application of the knowledge created and shared. Our impact is measured by data collection – which helps us better understand the music ecosystem; highlighting sustainability, equality and social equity as fundamental in creating and maintaining a socially-conscious industry.

So what happened to our Policy pillar? We recognized that policy intersects with all angles of our mission – making it fundamental to every other pillar. Policy considerations come into play with talent management, scene development and impact measurements.

With great consideration, we built a guideway to ensure that the facets that compose a rich, sustainable music culture are accessible and accounted for. We hope to see you at XP Music Features ‘22 to watch our pillars in action. 

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