She was born and raised in Alexandria in 1988. She had been an artistic child, not missing a chance of participating in creative projects in her community in fields of music, dance and drama. In her teenage years, she played the drums in the all-girl Metal band Mascara. She was also once a part of Telepoetic, an Electro-Rock Egyptian band performing their first gig on 100live music festival for electronic arts. She dropped her first album, Moga, with lebanese Zeid Hamdan produced, in May 2013. Over the years Maii had collaborated with various artists in her community as well as internationally. In the year 2015 she released tracks with Jordanian electronica trio Zaed Naes. That was later followed by a couple of EPs with Zeid Hamdan within the umbrella of their collaboration project Maii and Zeid. Maii had formed Ritza an electronic pop band, the was met with success in Cairo. After a series of tours, Maii decided to look deeper into her self, embarking on a whole journey towards Alternative medicine learning and professional training. Now a new cycle begins with deep recognition of her path, music is once more central. With so many new songs up her sleeve. Maii wishes to continue her quest of her authentic storytelling through her music.