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Bruno Ciaramicoli Cabral

I moved to London 18 years ago when I was 18/19 years old, all by myself from Brazil. At the time, I couldn't speak a word of English.However, a friend of mine, who was a manager at EGG CLUB, offered me a job to clean the toilets. I did this for about 6 months until my English improved, and then I progressed to working as a bar back, then a bartender, and eventually a bar supervisor. Through these roles, I had the opportunity to meet many people and started promoting and arranging my own events in various clubs."

In addition to these jobs, I also volunteered at several booking agencies, taking care of artists such as Doc Martin, Silverline, and many more. At the time i was doing 3 different jobs and while working behind the bar that I met my business partner, Remi Landaz, and together we came up with Half Baked Records. This Sunday day party was specifically tailored for the hospitality industry. After six months, We went from 300 pp party to 1500pp open air over summer and we began organizing tours around South America and the USA, leveraging the contacts I had established while working in the agency.

After running Half Baked Records for 14 years, organizing worldwide tours and participating in numerous festivals, I have gained extensive experience and knowledge of the industry.